DA converter

I made a DA converter that is produced by h_fujiwara. It consists of 2 8x8 inch boards, one of which is the power supply and the other is the digital, DAC & analog circuit. It is one of h_fujiwara’s high-end DAC with four of TI’s PCM1794 DA converters and six discrete operational amplifiers. I made the power supply board with ordinary parts. But, I made a big modification to the DAC board, I used ceramic capacitors in place of all electrolytic capacitors, i.e. there is no electrolytic capacitor on the board. I used metal-can transistors in place of plastic molded transistors except a pair of FETs for each opams. All registers except I/V converting registers are metal film registers from DALE, and I/V converting registers are tantalum nitride from Western Electric.

I thought it should be better than previous version of the DAC (also designed by h_fujiwara, consisting of 32 TI’s PCM63P DACs and simplest I/V converter (2 registers) and one discrete OPamp per channel. I implemented arranged Kaneda’s #168 opams.

It seems that I have to run the new DAC for a while to burn-in to the stable state. I will report when the new one is ready to compare.