Some findings on DCX2496's LVDS modification; DCX2496のLVDS改造でわかったこと
I made up a test setup using ES9038q2m boards equipped with I2S input from Amazon to test DCX2496 LVDS modification. This board is cheap, not requiring MCLK, and level control is included, so it is ideal for test purpose. I found that the idea to use isolation transformers installed in RJ45 jack did not fit to isolate I2S signal. I am wondering if the transformers can handle LRCLK because the frequency is as low as 96KHz. That is why I choose LVDS receiver with hysteresis.
The result was different from I planned. The signal pass goes through:
- 1000 Base-T RJ-45 (0838-1X1T-W7) connector driven by ADN4667
- CAT6 cable
- another 1000 Base-T RJ-45 (0838-1X1T-W7) connector
- received by SN65LVDT348D LVDS receiver
The result is unsuccessful.
It is okay with audio signal, but if the audio level goes down, the test setup makes random buzzing sound. I could not identify the cause, so, I bought inexpensive oscilloscope (Hantek 6022BE) to see what is happening.
Looking at 4 pair of signals, the findings are:
- LRCLK at 96KHz is fairly okay at receiver side LVDS-TTL converter, and SN65LVDT348D handles perfectly;
- BCLK lost clear edge but okay
- Data (HF/LF) is okay as far as it passes audio signal, but goes wrong if the audio signal is very low.
When the audio signal is low level, continuous “LOW” level signal is generated with little “HIGH” signal. This causes DC mean goes negative. Continuous “LOW” level with this offset gradually goes positive, and sometimes exceeds hysteresis threshold, making random buzzing sound.
To test purpose, I replaced RJ45 jack without transformer (i.e. direct pin-to-pin connection, without DC isolation), and buzzing sound is eliminated.
The sound quality, so far, digital input/output DCX2496 is much better than used to be, which requires level control before A/D conversion.
As a result, isolation is unsuccessful, but DCX2496 DC-coupled LVDS is verified okay.
- ADN4667が駆動する1000 Base-T RJ-45 (0838-1X1T-W7) コネクタコネクタ
- CAT6 ケーブル
- 受信側の1000 Base-T RJ-45 (0838-1X1T-W7) コネクター
- SN65LVDT348D LVDS receiver
音声信号があるときには特に問題はないのですが、信号レベルが下がるか0になると、不規則なバズ音が出ます。よく考えても理由がわからないので、安価なオシロスコープ(Hantek 6022BE)で、何が起きているか観察することにしました。
- LRCLKは96KHzにもかかわらず、LVDSレシーバーの入力側でも何とか届いていて、SN65LVDT348Dで問題なく受信出ている
- BCLKもエッジがボケているけど特に問題なし
- DATA(高音/低音)は、音声信号が流れている分には問題はないものの、音声信号が低下するとおかしくなる