I have heard that Kaneda-Shiki DC Amplifier (Kaneda-Style DC Amplifier) is well known in some areas, including France. Despite the information or articles in non-Japanese language are very limited, there are enthusiasts. I believe that the…
DAC modification I have implemented Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) clocked by a Xtal oscillator to my D/A Converter designed by h_fujiwara. There is an accessory connector (in place of dumping registers) between Digital Audio In…
I wrote to h_fujiwara to make sure what the advantage of the memory buffer right after PLL locked ASRC. Although, the effect of the memory buffer is obvious, and the clarity is much better than without it, I thought that is the placebo eff…
DIY Digital to Analog converter, DAC1794-III, which is designed by h_fujiwara is just great. As it burns in, the sound comes to be more natural, but, the only thing is it is just being too smart and performs exactly what it should do, but …
I made a DA converter that is produced by h_fujiwara. It consists of 2 8x8 inch boards, one of which is the power supply and the other is the digital, DAC & analog circuit. It is one of h_fujiwara’s high-end DAC with four of TI’s PCM1794 D…
I bought a genuine amplifier for my loudspeakers, QUAD. The loudspeakers are QUAD ESL57, electrostatic loudspeakers designed 50 years ago, and the amplifier is fairly old QUAD 606, which is relatively new, but born to drive electrostatic l…
There is a big improvement archived by the balanced digital cable with controlled impedance. I did not expect that significant difference, by modifying digital connection, but what happened was drastic, i.e. the accuracy of just 0s and 1s …
I made a simple SPDIF cable using Category-5 cable, and I feel great improvement over an optical fiber or a coax SPDIF cable. It is a modification of Zuka’s cable driver. The input jack, which plugs into the digital-output device like CD p…
I have made another power supply for the balanced-output preamplifier. There are 2 major improvements: (1) Electrolytic capacitors replaced with ceramic ones (2) Connection of the audio transformers as chokes modified. Some enthusiasts in …
I made a pair of line cable between balanced pre-out to balanced power-input. The cable consists of 3 braid cables because the balanced line requires 3 lines. It is unusual because, Unshielded line cable Line cable made of split low-end Mo…
The circuit is really simple (see figure). These tubes are two of 7370 (40V version of 5687WA). Heater is connected to AC input along with 270R (for 117V AC), or 150R (for 100V AC). It is strongly recommended that average output current do…
I made a vacuum tube power supply for semiconductor (aka Kaneda #168) preamplifier. I have surplus dual triode (7370). It seems it is tough enough to use for a small output rectifier with Grid and Plate connected together. Thus dual triode…
I am working on Pass's Zen 9. My plan is to simplify the circuit by lowering the output power, and using high performance heatsink, from Pentium4.VCC is reduced to 20V with extra idle current (2.5A), without active load. Output capacitor i…
I will write about more details on opamp based on Kaneda’s #168 preamp, and its modification.The original amplifier consists of discrete OPAmp (described later), -20dB attenuator (2 registers) at input, and feedback circuit (50KR volume (A…
I found that the page access increases, since I write in English. I simply wish your footprint, comments in ether English or Japanese so that I would stik on English information of Japanese experts.I really appreciate the audiecne's contri…
Recent Kaneda style amplifier is based on 2 stage differential, followed by collector (or drain) follower SEPP. Because it uses same polarity output devices instead of complementary polarity output device in SEPP output stage, it is called…
I found that there are not so many web pages on Kaneda-Style amplifiers in English. It seems Kaneda’s is more popular in France, and much popular in Japanese DIY community. Many enthusiasts are trying to improve the sound quality, by repla…
英語も混ぜて書いてみたら、気のせいかページビューが増えているみたいです。 日本語よりも英単語のほうが検索しやすいんですかね。The page started in Japanese, I recently added English, because I and my partner relocated from Japan to USA. I foun…
Passさんのアクティブロード、なんか不順な気がします。せっかくJ_FETがあるんだから、単純にSRPPにすれば良いような気がするんだけどなあ。。Mr. Pass's ZV9 seems perfect except that the active load is too complex. It is true that it improves the p…
日本に住んでいたころに買った部品を細々と使い続けてきましたが、新しい入手ルートを探して調達できるようになりつつあります。 最近ゲットした風変わりな部品、なんとV-FET(SIT)の現行品をみつけました。 桑港の南、シリコンバレーにあるQSpeed(元Lovoltec…
I have been working on a vacuum-tube pre-amplifier designed by Dr. Kaneda, is so far completed. It is not a strict copy of his design, and there are several simplifications, because it is for temporary use: (1) constant current circuit use…
海外生活が思いのほか長くなってしまって、電気工作始めちゃいました。 金田式の真空管プリアンプでも作ろうかと思い、6AK5を12本収集、他の部品もジャンクなどで集めて何とか製作開始。真空管のピンを磨いて直接半田付けするとのことで、いろいろとやってみ…
今、海外旅行中です。仕事のための旅行ですが、出張ではありません。 仕事の関係でRochester,NYから帰ってきたばっかりで、ただでさえ3時間の時差がしんどいのに、更に同じ方向に8時間ぐらい。 空港に着いたらいきなり、ダウンタウンへの電車の切符を買うの…
アンプにでも使おうと思って、eBayで少しづつゲルマニウムトランジスタを集めています。日本ではTO-1がほとんど、あってもTO-5、TO-3、TO-66が少しあるぐらいだと思います。 届いてみると形に驚かされるものがあります。 ADY10 TO-8、一見TO-5とそっくりなん…
スピーカーが届きました。e-bayで落札したMagnepanの一番古いタイプ。 はっきり言って高域も低域もダメでどうしようもない代物ですが、流石に平面スピーカー、スピーカーの正面、等距離で聞くと抜群の定位です。定位に関しては過去に使ったことのあるQuad ES…
桑港、当地の公用語では「三藩市」と書くのですが、世界最大の中華街があります。 よく中華街に行くのですが、目的は中華料理です。今日も、よく行くレストランで28元(3〜5人前でUS$28!)のメニューを頼んだのですが、活ロブスター1匹の料理、蒙古牛肉、…
2人でスーツケース3つと自転車1台から始めた生活、なんとか落ち着いてきました。 で、早速。 年末に祖国の先達にゲルマニウムトランジスタを送りました。思いのほか好評なので、当地でe-bayでゲルマニウムトランジスタやらメタルキャンのトランジスタやら…
あけましておめでとうございます 祖国はもう1月2日ですが、当地は元旦です。 桑港の日本町で切り餅のパックを購入し、電子レンジで加熱・大小の球体状に整形した"Kagamimochi"を自作しました。男の料理というよりも粘土細工。もともと手先は器用なほうでは…